About Council
Council of Cyber Vigilance and Security Enforcement plays a catalytic role to reduce harm from cybercrime targeted at government establishments, national information resources, corporates and their customers and individuals. Through effective collaboration with our affiliates and member organizations and with the support of respective governments, we look at ways to provide practical assistance to law enforcement agencies and governments to protect critical national information infrastructures and individuals nationwide. Our operations take place in the form of projects and programs implemented time to time.
Council affiliates wide variety of stakeholders in the cause of cyber security from government and private sector such as research organizations, security agencies, banking and financial sector organizations, large corporates, SMEs and Start-ups, universities, educational institutions, end-users, operators, clusters and association as well as local, regional and national organizations.
The Council of Cyber Vigilance and Security Enforcement (council.org.in) is a fully self-financed non-for-profit organization.
Objectives of Council
- To ensure an environment and culture of safety and security in cyber space through robust structure of training, vigilance and security enforcement.
- To ensure, continuous awareness among society for cyber vigilance, safety and security in cyber space. This is accomplished through on-going training and development of ever-increasing number of people through non-formal and informal system and structures using online mode or instructor led off-line mode.
- To promote best practices of education, training and development in cyber security field. To ensure and monitor expansion and growth of training providing institutions and skilled manpower for implementation of techniques and technologies for safe and secure society and country in cyber space.
- To support and provide a common platform for academic and technical education institutions to create and update effective curriculum for their courses and programs delivered through schools, colleges and universities related to the cyber security. The objectives are to expand competent and expert force for vigilance and security of country in cyber space.
- To ensue, a culture of usage of cyber space with peace and harmony to ensure unity in diversity of the country, to promote etiquettes and manner of usage of cyber space for information exchange and social media such that it evolves the prime values and principle of our country and discourage or illuminates anything which is against our country and unity in diversity. In other words, there is established culture of promoting, inspiring, encouraging and empowering contents for every citizen to build a healthy and wealthy nation.
- To ensure, presence of sufficient expertise and service providers in the country such that every individual or organization is safe and secure from the threats in the cyber space. There must be decline in the rising cyber fraud, or cyber-attacks or other crimes in cyber space.
Importance of COUNCIL
COUNCIL is the platform which invites youth for the opportunity to get trained at the place in the field where they can see their future which inspires them. The training structure at COUNCIL is a systematically internship program having specific purpose, perspective of each quarter. The skills, ability and approaches available in the curriculum are universal in nature and helpful for the participants as well as business establishments to ensure reality.
Importance for
Business Establishments, Corporates and Originations
Council plays a catalytic role to reduce harm from cybercrime targeted at government establishments, national information resources, corporates and their customers and individuals. Through effective collaboration with our affiliates and member organizations and with the support of respective governments, we look at ways to provide practical assistance to law enforcement agencies and governments to protect critical national information infrastructures and individuals nationwide. Our operations take place in the form of projects and programs implemented time to time.
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