Course Title: Bridge Course for AWS Cloud Foundation

Course Duration: 20 hours | 10 Sessions | 2 Hours per session | Covered in 2 Weeks

Level: Beginner | Pace: Normal Track | Type: Understanding, Conceptual, Practical

Bridge Course for AWS Cloud

The bridge course’s primary purpose is to bridge the gap between a learner’s current knowledge and the prerequisites for AWS training, equipping them with the essential skills and confidence needed for effective AWS course participation and certification success.

A bridge program before enrolling in an AWS Cloud course serves the crucial purpose of preparing individuals for effective learning within the AWS ecosystem. Firstly, it assesses their readiness by evaluating existing knowledge and identifying gaps. Then, it provides foundational knowledge in cloud computing, networking, and security, ensuring participants have a solid groundwork to grasp advanced AWS concepts. Hands-on labs and exercises build practical experience, while technical skill development, resource familiarization, and confidence-building enhance learners’ preparedness. Customization tailors the learning path, and guidance on study strategies, support systems, and goal-setting motivates individuals, ultimately ensuring a successful journey into the world of AWS cloud computing.

Who Should Join Bridge Course

The bridge program is designed to cater to a wide range of learners, from complete beginners to those with some technical background, who are looking to transition into the AWS Cloud domain. It helps ensure that participants have the foundational knowledge required to succeed in AWS training and certification pursuits.

The bridge program is beneficial for individuals who are interested in pursuing AWS Cloud training but may lack the foundational knowledge and skills required to maximize the effectiveness of their AWS course. This includes:

  1. Beginners in Cloud Computing: Individuals who are new to cloud computing and want to build a strong foundation before diving into AWS-specific training.
  2. IT Professionals Transitioning to Cloud: IT professionals with experience in traditional IT roles (e.g., system administrators, network engineers) who are transitioning to cloud roles and need to adapt their skills.
  3. Professionals Seeking AWS Certification: Those aiming for AWS certifications (e.g., AWS Certified Solutions Architect, AWS Certified Developer) but need to prepare for the certification exams by filling knowledge gaps.
  4. Career Changers without IT Background: Individuals from non-IT backgrounds who want to enter the cloud computing field and need to acquire the necessary technical knowledge.
  5. Students and Recent Graduates: Students pursuing a career in IT or cloud computing and recent graduates looking to enhance their job prospects by gaining cloud-related skills.
  6. Anyone with Limited Cloud Experience: Individuals who have some exposure to cloud computing but need a more structured and comprehensive introduction to AWS and related technologies.

Before joining a training course for AWS Cloud, it’s helpful to have a foundational understanding of several key concepts and technologies. While AWS offers a wide range of services and certifications for various skill levels, here are some prerequisite knowledge areas and skills that can be beneficial for beginners:

  1. Networking Fundamentals:
    • Knowledge of basic networking concepts like IP addresses, subnets, DNS, and routing.
    • Understanding of firewall rules, security groups, and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) concepts.
  2. Linux/Unix Basics:
    • Basic command-line skills for interacting with Linux/Unix-based instances, as many AWS services run on Linux.
  3. Server and Virtualization Knowledge:
    • Understanding of servers, virtual machines (VMs), and containers.
    • Awareness of hypervisors and virtualization technologies.
  4. Storage Basics:
    • Familiarity with different types of storage, such as block storage (EBS in AWS), object storage (S3), and file storage (EFS).
    • Knowledge of storage performance and durability characteristics.
  5. Security Fundamentals:
    • Understanding of security best practices, including encryption, identity and access management (IAM), and compliance.
    • Awareness of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
  6. Databases and Data Management:
    • Basic knowledge of relational databases (SQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., AWS DynamoDB).
    • Understanding of data backup and recovery concepts.
  7. Web Technologies:
    • Familiarity with web server technologies (e.g., Apache, Nginx) and web application architecture.
  8. Scripting and Automation:
    • Basic scripting skills (e.g., Python, Bash) for automating tasks in AWS.
  9. DevOps and CI/CD:
    • Awareness of DevOps principles and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
    • Familiarity with tools like AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild.
  10. Basic Cloud Computing Concepts:
    • Familiarity with fundamental cloud computing concepts like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
    • Understanding of the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, elasticity, and cost-efficiency.

AWS training courses cater to individuals with varying levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced users. AWS offers a range of learning paths, including foundational courses, associate-level certifications, and professional-level certifications, so you can start at the appropriate level based on your existing knowledge and career goals.

Investment: INR 6500.00 | Six thousand and five hundred only